Every place in the world has been dreamed. Behind every home, city and forest is a mirror world, where unconscious meanings and memories live.
This map is an artistic project, an attempt to explore the cartography of the unconscious. It is supported and powered on the backend by the Elsewhere Dream Journal, a small independent dream journal application. If you submit your dream to the map, you'll also receive an interpretation and an AI-generated image of your dream.
...read moreThis map is an artistic project, an attempt to explore the cartography of the unconscious. It is supported and powered on the backend by the Elsewhere Dream Journal, a small independent dream journal application. If you submit your dream to the map, you'll also receive an interpretation and an AI-generated image of your dream.
Your dreams are submitted entirely anonymously by default. After you've submitted your dream, you'll have the option to add your email. This won't be displayed, but it will give you a login link for the Elsewhere Dream Journal, so you can later edit your dream if you like or change the image. The dream map is organised by Dan Kennedy. Let the artist know if you have any issues! dannykennedy@email.com.
...read lessDream and interpretatation saved! Check your email, and your spam folder if necessary. If you'd like to add more dreams, use the magic link in your email to log into Elsewhere. Or just visit elsewhere.to any time and use your email address to log in.